This package will credit you with the DIAMOND Rank. Stand out from the crowd and receive some extra recognition! This rank bundles a unique set of abilities, perks, kits and other great features on the server.
- One-Time Bonus: Receive a one-time bonus of 1x Spawner Crate Keys
- One-Time Bonus: Receive a one-time bonus of 2x Legendary Crate Keys
- One-Time Bonus: Receive a one-time bonus of 2x Axolotl Spawners
- One-Time Bonus: Receive a one-time bonus of 8x Villager Spawners
- One-Time Bonus: Receive a one-time bonus of $20M Money in game
The following list provides full information on the contents of this rank:
- /feed: Feed yourself
- /heal: Heal yourself
- /workbench: Open a virtual workbench
- /clearinventory: Clear your inventory
- /hat: Set a block as your hat
- /enderchest: Open a virtual enderchest
- /compass: Find your compass location
- /near: View players who are in close proximity
- /ptime: Set your own personal server time
- /pweather: Set your own personal server weather
- /fix hand: Repair the item in your hand
- /fix all: Repair all items in your inventory
- /back: Teleport back to your previous location
- /recipe: View the recipe of an item
- /is fly: Toggle flight mode on or off
- /tptoggle: Toggle teleportation requests off
- /kittycannon: Launch a kitty!
- /rename: Rename your tools
- /fastplace: quickly place blocks on your island!
- Join full server: Join any gamemode while it is full
- Keep XP: Keep your XP on death
- Vaults: Access up to 8 personal vaults
- Homes: Create up to 10 personal homes
- Auctions: Create up to 10 auction listings
- Chat Colors: Use any chat color
- Access to the DIAMOND Kit
Kit Details: (DIAMOND Kit) Usable every 2 days
- Diamond Sword: Sharpness 5, Fire Aspect 2, Unbreaking 3
- Diamond Pickaxe: Efficiency 5, Fortune 2, Unbreaking 3
- Diamond Axe: Efficiency 5, Fortune 2, Unbreaking 3
- Diamond Shovel: Efficiency 5, Fortune 2, Unbreaking 3
- Diamond Armor: Protection 4, Fire Protection 2, Unbreaking 3
- Bow: Power 5, Infinity 1, Flame 1
- 64x Arrow
- 64x Steak
- 64x Ender Pearl
- 64x Golden Apple
- 64x Nether Wart
- 64x Grass Block
- 128x Dirt Block
- 48x Sand Block